M.A.X. Touch

Playing MAX turn by turn, server save the game and next player will do his turn. Email notifications, smartphone & computer.
Chat with others players and get the game Download link in Discord.
Jouez à MAX au tour par tour, le serveur enregistre la partie et le joueur suivant jouera. Notifications par emails, smartphones & ordinateur.
Rencontrez les autres joueurs et trouver les liens de téléchargement du jeu dans leur Discord.

MAXT_icons_2020-04-16.zip : replace white icons of MAXT by colorful M.A.X. icons.
MAXT_icons_2020-04-16.zip : remplacez les icônes blanches de MAXT par celles de M.A.X.
voix-french3.zip (6 Mo) : placez les .wav dans le dossier \Resources\Sounds\ pour remplacer la voix anglaise par celle en français.
fr_MAXT-v15.json : renommez le fichier en fr.json et remplacez \Resources\Localizations\fr.json pour avoir la dernière traduction.


Original by Interplay (1996)
M.A.X.Touch New balance for MAX Touch
Sea Side Clans
specialities by Vollauvent

maxsrv website to check all unisets on official website.


General M.A.X. Touch Questions

  • What are the changes from original Mechanized Assault & eXploration?
    • MAX Touch is Turn Based only. (No simultaneous turns)
    • More game customisations than the original game.
    • Multiplayer saves are stored on the server, so you can play your turn from your computer, phone or tablet.
    • AI not implemented (But may come someday)
    • Loading an unit into any building/unit cost 1 movement point.
    • Infiltrators doesn't gain Experience. Attempt #1:disable, #2:disable, #3:steal.
    • Many maps available.
    • More languages localizations than the original game.
    • Voice is English only (until you replace sound files).
    • Game is evolving.
  • When will the game end if the opponent is gone forever?
    • 3 skips.
  • The game is gone?
    • Check Archived games, if your game is not there, it means the Host "Closed" it.

New game Questions

  • What is laying?
    • If set to Yes, allows Engineers to lay connectors.
  • What is "one base" mode?
    • In this mode it is not necessary to build connectors to supply power or materials to buildings. So forget the connectors.
  • What's "expensive unit service"?
    • Normally it will cost 1 fuel to refuel a unit, with expensive enabled this will be more (depending on unit / fuel upgrades etc).
  • What is "restrict transports"?
    • Units that are unloaded from an air transport will have no shots that turn, to prevent death-from-above missile crawler exploit. Except for scouts.

Extra FAQ en français

  • Les unités bougent lentement, bouger plus d'une dizaine de scouts prend trop de temps, est-ce que l'on peut espérer que MAX Touch fasse comme dans le jeu orignal ?


    Laying : l'ingénieur va larguer des connecteurs/routes, comme un poseur de mines qui largue ses mines.
    Service chers : Au lieu que réparer/améliorer/etc coûte 1 matériaux, ça va coûter un peu plus cher.
    Transport limité : les unités de combat perdent leur possibilité de tirer en entrant dans un Transport aérien
    Base complexe : Il y a un tour 0, qui remplace l'atterrissage : tu construis ta base en mode sim-city dans la limite de l'or disponible. Le but de cette option est d'accélérer un peu les débuts de partie en multijoueur.


Some images I made for MAXTouch

(click to see the full size)

maxsrv.automania relooking
MAX Touch idea: Player's specialisation
2018/3 by GodRage

Each time a game ends, for each player :

-Number of points for-	1st	2nd	3rd
Most created units  	50	25	10
Most created buildings	50	25	10
(needs 2 games where you create the same unit/building the most to have the maximum 100 points to invest in it)

Maximum of 100 points for an unit/building.
The player can invest his points as he wants but each branch has its own limit.

-----	+1	+2	+3	+4
Offensive/Active (max 50 points)
Attack	1	3	9	27	
Range	2	6	18	54
Ammo	3	9	27

Defensive/Passive (max 50 points)
Armor	2	6	18	54
Hits	1	3	9	27
Scan	3	9	27

Utility/ (max 80 points)
Speed	2	6	18	54
Fuel	1	3	9	27
Cost	11	33
(Cost, +1 means 1 less turn, Infantry can't get this one.)