Home/TreasureClass/TC weap63

patch 1.10

Drop Probabilities for weap63

Ataghan,Elegant Blade,Small Crescent,Reinforced Mace,Mighty Scepter,Shadow Bow,Stygian Pilum,Matriarchal Spear,Wrist Sword,

Monster Difficulty Drop Chance(%)
Mephisto(1st Kill) [TC] Hell1.44849198
Diablo(1st Kill) [TC] Hell1.38266014
Baal(1st Kill) [TC] Hell1.35087484
Griswold [TC] Hell1.30848211
The Smith [TC] Hell1.30848211
Cow King [TC] Hell1.30848211
Mephisto [TC] Hell1.26743048
Diablo [TC] Hell1.20982762
Baal [TC] Hell1.18201549
Sszark The Burning [TC] Hell0.95547154
Icehawk Riftwing [TC] Hell0.95547154
Witch Doctor Endugu [TC] Hell0.93350667
Stormtree [TC] Hell0.93350667
Battlemaid Sarina [TC] Hell0.93350667
Beetleburst [TC] Hell0.92554516
Coldworm The Burrower [TC] Hell0.92554516
Dark Elder [TC] Hell0.92554516
Fangskin [TC] Hell0.92554516
Fire Eye [TC] Hell0.92554516
Ancient Kaa The Soulless [TC] Hell0.92554516
Burning Soul [TC] Hell0.91204675
Corpse Spitter [TC] Hell0.91204675
Stygian Hag [TC] Hell0.91204675
Grand Vizier of Chaos [TC] Hell0.89108016
Lord De Seis [TC] Hell0.89108016
Infector of Souls [TC] Hell0.89108016
Vile Witch [TC] Hell0.87059556
Shenk The Overseer [TC] Hell0.87059556
Eldritch The Rectifier [TC] Hell0.87059556
Eyeback Unleashed [TC] Hell0.87059556
Bonesaw Breaker [TC] Hell0.87059556
Dac Farren [TC] Hell0.85058187
Sharptooth Slayer [TC] Hell0.85058187
Death Brigadier [TC] Hell0.83155927
Demon Sprite [TC] Hell0.83155927
Hell Temptress [TC] Hell0.83155927
Blood Lord [TC] Hell0.83155927
Thresh Socket [TC] Hell0.83155927
Frozenstein [TC] Hell0.83155927
Snapchip Shatter [TC] Hell0.83155927
Pindleskin [TC] Hell0.83155927
Creeping Feature [TC] Hell0.79009851
Blood Witch The Wild [TC] Hell0.79009851
Andariel(1st Kill) [TC] Hell0.78278894
Carver [TC] Hell0.62526086
Treehead Woodfist [TC] Hell0.62526086
Pitspawn Fouldog [TC] Hell0.62526086
Izual [TC] Hell0.60327151
Hephasto The Armor [TC] Hell0.58940320
Nihlathak [TC] Hell0.57585370
Radament [TC] Hell0.56596545
Council Member [TC] Hell0.53178901
Ismail Vilehand [TC] Hell0.53178901
Geleb Flamefinger [TC] Hell0.53178901
Toorc Icefist [TC] Hell0.53178901
Bremm Sparkfist [TC] Hell0.53178901
Wyand Voidbringer [TC] Hell0.53178901
Maffer Dragonhand [TC] Hell0.53178901
The Summoner [TC] Hell0.48492502
Andariel [TC] Hell0.47902010
Duriel(1st Kill) [TC] Hell0.47331601
Blood Raven [TC] Hell0.42330879
Razor Spine [TC] Hell0.41684057
Griswold [TC] Nightmare0.41684057
The Smith [TC] Nightmare0.41684057
Cow King [TC] Nightmare0.41684057
Drowned Carcass [TC] Hell0.34340233
Poison Spinner [TC] Hell0.34340233
Flame Spider [TC] Hell0.34340233
Tree Lurker [TC] Hell0.34340233
Infidel [TC] Hell0.34340233
Gloom Bat [TC] Hell0.34340233
Pit Viper [TC] Hell0.34340233
Jungle Hunter [TC] Hell0.34340233
Doom Ape [TC] Hell0.34340233
Thorned Hulk [TC] Hell0.34340233
Bramble Hulk [TC] Hell0.34340233
Swamp Dweller [TC] Hell0.34340233
Bog Creature [TC] Hell0.34340233
Undead Flayer [TC] Hell0.34340233
Zakarumite [TC] Hell0.34340233
Cloud Stalker [TC] Hell0.33914664
Cloud Stalker Nest [TC] Hell0.33914664
Fetish Shaman [TC] Hell0.33914664
Sexton [TC] Hell0.33914664
Baal(1st Kill) [TC] Nightmare0.33665186
Wailing Beast [TC] Hell0.33550802
Flesh Hunter [TC] Hell0.33550802
Flesh Lancer [TC] Hell0.33550802
Spider Magus [TC] Hell0.33550802
Bone Scarab [TC] Hell0.33550802
Preserved Dead [TC] Hell0.33550802
Cadaver [TC] Hell0.33550802
Blood Diver [TC] Hell0.33550802
Dark Familiar [TC] Hell0.33550802
Serpent Magus [TC] Hell0.33550802
Temple Guard [TC] Hell0.33550802
Thrasher [TC] Hell0.33550802
Slime Prince [TC] Hell0.33550802
Undead Soulkiller [TC] Hell0.33550802
Monster Difficulty Drop Chance(%)
Undead Stygian Doll [TC] Hell0.33550802
Faithful [TC] Hell0.33550802
Zealot [TC] Hell0.33550802
Gloom Bat [TC] Hell0.33550802
Fiend [TC] Hell0.33550802
Scarab [TC] Hell0.33550802
Steel Scarab [TC] Hell0.33550802
Flayer [TC] Hell0.33550802
Stygian Doll [TC] Hell0.33550802
Soul Killer [TC] Hell0.33550802
Flayer [TC] Hell0.33550802
Stygian Doll [TC] Hell0.33550802
Soul Killer [TC] Hell0.33550802
Temple Guard [TC] Hell0.33550802
Temple Guard [TC] Hell0.33550802
Zealot [TC] Hell0.33550802
Zealot [TC] Hell0.33550802
Arach [TC] Hell0.33550802
Undead Stygian Doll [TC] Hell0.33550802
Undead Soulkiller [TC] Hell0.33550802
Cadaver [TC] Hell0.33550802
Mauler [TC] Hell0.33321398
Ghoul [TC] Hell0.33264660
Plague Bearer [TC] Hell0.33264660
Crusher [TC] Hell0.33264660
Hell Clan [TC] Hell0.33264660
Tomb Creeper [TC] Hell0.33264660
Death Beatle [TC] Hell0.33264660
Scarab [TC] Hell0.33264660
Steel Scarab [TC] Hell0.33264660
Devourer [TC] Hell0.33264660
Giant Lamprey [TC] Hell0.33264660
Night Tiger [TC] Hell0.33264660
Hell Cat [TC] Hell0.33264660
Embalmed [TC] Hell0.33264660
Marauder [TC] Hell0.33264660
Invader [TC] Hell0.33264660
Fiend [TC] Hell0.33264660
Salamander [TC] Hell0.33264660
Dune Beast [TC] Hell0.33264660
Blunderbore [TC] Hell0.33264660
Gorebelly [TC] Hell0.33264660
Night Lord [TC] Hell0.33135016
Dark Lord [TC] Hell0.33135016
Blood Lord [TC] Hell0.33135016
Horadrim Ancient [TC] Hell0.33135016
Flayer Shaman [TC] Hell0.33135016
Soul Killer Shaman [TC] Hell0.33135016
Cantor [TC] Hell0.33135016
Flayer Shaman [TC] Hell0.33135016
Stygian Doll Shaman [TC] Hell0.33135016
Soul Killer Shaman [TC] Hell0.33135016
Heirophant [TC] Hell0.33135016
Heirophant [TC] Hell0.33135016
Blood Lord [TC] Hell0.33135016
Ghoul Lord [TC] Hell0.33135016
Dark Lord [TC] Hell0.33135016
Hell Bovine [TC] Hell0.32873912
Black Raptor [TC] Hell0.32852420
Ghoul Lord [TC] Hell0.32852420
Guardian [TC] Hell0.32852420
Unraveler [TC] Hell0.32852420
Horror Mage [TC] Hell0.32852420
Horror Mage [TC] Hell0.32852420
Cliff Lurker [TC] Hell0.32779519
Blood Maggot [TC] Hell0.32779519
Assailant [TC] Hell0.32779519
Urdar [TC] Hell0.32779519
Spikefist [TC] Hell0.32779519
Balrog [TC] Hell0.32779519
Corpulent [TC] Hell0.32779519
Doom Knight [TC] Hell0.32779519
WorldKiller [TC] Hell0.32779519
Doom Knight [TC] Hell0.32779519
Doom Knight [TC] Hell0.32779519
Damned [TC] Hell0.32373292
Flesh Spawner [TC] Hell0.32373292
Flesh Beast [TC] Hell0.32373292
Stygian Dog [TC] Hell0.32373292
Grotesque Wyrm [TC] Hell0.32373292
Grotesque Wyrm [TC] Hell0.32373292
Flesh Beast [TC] Hell0.32373292
Flesh Archer [TC] Hell0.32303444
Horror Archer [TC] Hell0.32027941
Hell Slinger [TC] Hell0.32027941
Pit Lord [TC] Hell0.32025967
Venom Lord [TC] Hell0.32025967
Maw Fiend [TC] Hell0.32025967
Abyss Knight [TC] Hell0.32025967
Oblivion Knight [TC] Hell0.32025967
Balrog [TC] Hell0.32025967
Pit Lord [TC] Hell0.32025967
Maw Fiend [TC] Hell0.32025967
Oblivion Knight [TC] Hell0.32025967
Oblivion Knight [TC] Hell0.32025967
Grotesque [TC] Hell0.31629078
Grotesque [TC] Hell0.31629078
Flesh Spawner [TC] Hell0.31629078
Enslaved [TC] Hell0.31289738
Slayer [TC] Hell0.31289738
Monster Difficulty Drop Chance(%)
Death Mauler [TC] Hell0.31289738
Death Brawler [TC] Hell0.31289738
Overseer [TC] Hell0.31289738
Lasher [TC] Hell0.31289738
Siege Beast [TC] Hell0.31289738
Snow Drifter [TC] Hell0.31289738
Rot Walker [TC] Hell0.31289738
Succubus [TC] Hell0.31289738
Vile Temptress [TC] Hell0.31289738
Frozen Creeper [TC] Hell0.31289738
Moon Lord [TC] Hell0.31289738
Burning Dead Archer [TC] Hell0.31289738
Bone Archer [TC] Hell0.31289738
Afflicted [TC] Hell0.31289738
Tainted [TC] Hell0.31289738
Moon Clan [TC] Hell0.31289738
Night Clan [TC] Hell0.31289738
Foul Crow [TC] Hell0.31289738
Blood Hawk [TC] Hell0.31289738
Claw Viper [TC] Hell0.31289738
Pit Viper [TC] Hell0.31289738
Marauder [TC] Hell0.31289738
Infidel [TC] Hell0.31289738
Death Mauler [TC] Hell0.31289738
Thorned Hulk [TC] Hell0.31289738
Slinger [TC] Hell0.31289738
Slinger [TC] Hell0.31289738
Slinger [TC] Hell0.31289738
Vile Archer [TC] Hell0.31289738
Dark Archer [TC] Hell0.31289738
Vile Lancer [TC] Hell0.31289738
Dark Lancer [TC] Hell0.31289738
Black Lancer [TC] Hell0.31289738
Blunderbore [TC] Hell0.31289738
Mauler [TC] Hell0.31289738
Huntress [TC] Hell0.31289738
Sabre Cat [TC] Hell0.31289738
Cave Leaper [TC] Hell0.31289738
Tomb Creeper [TC] Hell0.31289738
Succubusexp [TC] Hell0.31289738
Hell Temptress [TC] Hell0.31289738
Carver [TC] Hell0.31289738
Devilkin [TC] Hell0.31289738
Dark One [TC] Hell0.31289738
Demon Imp [TC] Hell0.30901973
Demon Rascal [TC] Hell0.30901973
Siren [TC] Hell0.30901973
Putrid Defiler [TC] Hell0.30901973
Wretched Defiler [TC] Hell0.30901973
Returned Mage [TC] Hell0.30901973
Burning Dead Mage [TC] Hell0.30901973
Returned Mage [TC] Hell0.30901973
Horror Mage [TC] Hell0.30901973
Bone Mage [TC] Hell0.30901973
Siren [TC] Hell0.30901973
Hell Witch [TC] Hell0.30901973
Vile Witch [TC] Hell0.30901973
Carver Shaman [TC] Hell0.30901973
Devilkin Shaman [TC] Hell0.30901973
Dark shaman [TC] Hell0.30901973
Ice Boar [TC] Hell0.30570434
Fire Boar [TC] Hell0.30570434
Hell Spawn [TC] Hell0.30570434
Ice Spawn [TC] Hell0.30570434
Death Slasher [TC] Hell0.30570434
Death Berserker [TC] Hell0.30570434
Overlord [TC] Hell0.30570434
Blood Boss [TC] Hell0.30570434
Crush Beast [TC] Hell0.30570434
Blood Bringer [TC] Hell0.30570434
Abobinable [TC] Hell0.30570434
Chilled Forth [TC] Hell0.30570434
Reanimated Horde [TC] Hell0.30570434
Plowling Dead [TC] Hell0.30570434
Stygian Harlot [TC] Hell0.30570434
Frozen Terror [TC] Hell0.30570434
Night Lord [TC] Hell0.30570434
Burning Dead Archer [TC] Hell0.30570434
Returned Archer [TC] Hell0.30570434
Misshapen [TC] Hell0.30570434
Disfigured [TC] Hell0.30570434
Hell Clan [TC] Hell0.30570434
Blood Clan [TC] Hell0.30570434
Black Raptor [TC] Hell0.30570434
Cloud Stalker [TC] Hell0.30570434
Salamander [TC] Hell0.30570434
Tomb Viper [TC] Hell0.30570434
Sand Raider [TC] Hell0.30570434
Invader [TC] Hell0.30570434
Council Member [TC] Hell0.30434870
Unraveler [TC] Hell0.30191583
Demon Gremlin [TC] Hell0.30191583
Demon Trickster [TC] Hell0.30191583
Stygian Fury [TC] Hell0.30191583
Blood Witch [TC] Hell0.30191583
Fetid Defiler [TC] Hell0.30191583
Rancid Defiler [TC] Hell0.30191583
Rank Defiler [TC] Hell0.30191583
Guardian [TC] Hell0.30191583
Unraveler [TC] Hell0.30191583
Monster Difficulty Drop Chance(%)
Horadrim Ancient [TC] Hell0.30191583
Horadrim Ancient [TC] Hell0.30191583
Frozen Scourge [TC] Hell0.30022313
Frozen Horror [TC] Hell0.30022313
Warped One [TC] Hell0.29886750
Greater Hell Spawn [TC] Hell0.29886750
Greater Ice Spawn [TC] Hell0.29886750
Hell Whip [TC] Hell0.29886750
Gore Bearer [TC] Hell0.29886750
Demon Steed [TC] Hell0.29886750
Frozen Abyss [TC] Hell0.29886750
Unholy Corpse [TC] Hell0.29886750
Defiled Warrior [TC] Hell0.29886750
Blood Temptress [TC] Hell0.29886750
Frozen Scorch [TC] Hell0.29886750
Hell Lord [TC] Hell0.29886750
Death Lord [TC] Hell0.29886750
Horror Archer [TC] Hell0.29886750
Damned [TC] Hell0.29886750
Death Clan [TC] Hell0.29886750
Serpent Magus [TC] Hell0.29886750
Assailant [TC] Hell0.29886750
Moon Lord [TC] Hell0.29886750
Hell Lord [TC] Hell0.29886750
Slayer [TC] Hell0.29886750
Hell Spawn [TC] Hell0.29886750
Greater Hell Spawn [TC] Hell0.29886750
Unholy Corpse [TC] Hell0.29886750
Warped Shaman [TC] Hell0.29516371
Hell Witch [TC] Hell0.29516371
Demon Imp [TC] Hell0.29516371
Demon Trickster [TC] Hell0.29516371
Baal [TC] Nightmare0.29457038
Duriel [TC] Hell0.28964114
Burning Dead [TC] Hell0.28396625
Horror [TC] Hell0.28396625
Sand Leaper [TC] Hell0.28396625
Cave Leaper [TC] Hell0.28396625
Dung Soldier [TC] Hell0.28396625
Sand Maggot Queen [TC] Hell0.28396625
Sand Maggot [TC] Hell0.28396625
Rock Worm [TC] Hell0.28396625
Huntress [TC] Hell0.28396625
Sabre Cat [TC] Hell0.28396625
Dried Corpse [TC] Hell0.28396625
Decayed [TC] Hell0.28396625
Sand Raider [TC] Hell0.28396625
Desert Wing [TC] Hell0.28396625
Claw Viper [TC] Hell0.28396625
Bone Warrior [TC] Hell0.28396625
Returned [TC] Hell0.28396625
Black Raptor Nest [TC] Hell0.28044713
Hollow One [TC] Hell0.28044713
Jungle Urchin [TC] Hell0.27531125
Dark Shape [TC] Hell0.27531125
Gloam [TC] Hell0.27531125
Sucker [TC] Hell0.27531125
Burning Dead Archer [TC] Hell0.27340890
Slinger [TC] Hell0.27340890
Hell Buzzard [TC] Hell0.26898226
Winged Nightmare [TC] Hell0.26898226
Plague Bugs [TC] Hell0.26898226
Hell Swarm [TC] Hell0.26898226
Feeder [TC] Hell0.26898226
Spector [TC] Hell0.26668821
Apparition [TC] Hell0.26668821
Itchies [TC] Hell0.26668821
Black Locusts [TC] Hell0.26668821
Doom Caster [TC] Hell0.26279876
Strangler [TC] Hell0.25675741
Storm Caster [TC] Hell0.25675741
Strangler [TC] Hell0.25675741
Storm Caster [TC] Hell0.25675741
Gloam [TC] Hell0.25085494
BlackSoul [TC] Hell0.25085494
Burning Soul [TC] Hell0.25085494
Quill Rat [TC] Hell0.25085494
Spike Fiend [TC] Hell0.25085494
Razor Spine [TC] Hell0.25085494
Ghost [TC] Hell0.25085494
Wraith [TC] Hell0.25085494
Spector [TC] Hell0.25085494
Carrion Bird [TC] Hell0.25085494
Carrion Bird [TC] Hell0.22766038
Undead Scavenger [TC] Hell0.22766038
Devilkin [TC] Hell0.22472258
Dark One [TC] Hell0.22472258
Brute [TC] Hell0.22472258
Yeti [TC] Hell0.22472258
Vile Hunter [TC] Hell0.22472258
Dark Stalker [TC] Hell0.22472258
Black Rogue [TC] Hell0.22472258
Vile Lancer [TC] Hell0.22472258
Dark Lancer [TC] Hell0.22472258
Black Lancer [TC] Hell0.22472258
Returned [TC] Hell0.22472258
Bone Warrior [TC] Hell0.22472258
Night Clan [TC] Hell0.22472258
Blood Clan [TC] Hell0.22472258
Death Clan [TC] Hell0.22472258
Monster Difficulty Drop Chance(%)
Arach [TC] Hell0.22472258
Ratman [TC] Hell0.22472258
Tomb Viper [TC] Hell0.22472258
Carver Shaman [TC] Hell0.22193766
Devilkin Shaman [TC] Hell0.22193766
Dark shaman [TC] Hell0.22193766
Blood Hawk [TC] Hell0.22193766
Misshapen [TC] Hell0.22193766
Disfigured [TC] Hell0.22193766
Tainted [TC] Hell0.22193766
Afflicted [TC] Hell0.22193766
Blood Hawk Nest [TC] Hell0.22193766
Vile Archer [TC] Hell0.21636781
Dark Archer [TC] Hell0.21636781
Black Archer [TC] Hell0.21636781
Skeleton Archer [TC] Hell0.21636781
Returned Archer [TC] Hell0.21636781
Bone Archer [TC] Hell0.21636781
Dark Ranger [TC] Hell0.21197372
Skeleton [TC] Hell0.21197372
Corpsefire [TC] Hell0.21197372
Bishibosh [TC] Hell0.21197372
Ghost [TC] Hell0.18016377
Wraith [TC] Hell0.18016377
Thorn Beast [TC] Hell0.18016377
The Countess [TC] Hell0.17143256
Colenzo The Annihilator [TC] Hell0.16444801
Achmel The Cursed [TC] Hell0.16444801
Bartuc The Bloody [TC] Hell0.16444801
Ventor the Unholy [TC] Hell0.16444801
Lister The Tormentor [TC] Hell0.16444801
Fallen [TC] Hell0.07618465
Zombie [TC] Hell0.07618465
Hungry Dead [TC] Hell0.07618465
Gargantuan Beast [TC] Hell0.07618465
Dark Hunter [TC] Hell0.07618465
Dark Spearwoman [TC] Hell0.07618465
Returned Mage [TC] Hell0.07618465
Bone Mage [TC] Hell0.07618465
Burning Dead Mage [TC] Hell0.07618465
Horror Mage [TC] Hell0.07618465
Moon Clan [TC] Hell0.07618465
Ratman [TC] Hell0.07618465
Fetish [TC] Hell0.07618465
Flayer [TC] Hell0.07618465
Soul Killer [TC] Hell0.07618465
Stygian Doll [TC] Hell0.07618465
Spear Cat [TC] Hell0.07618465
Night Slinger [TC] Hell0.07618465
Heirophant [TC] Hell0.07618465
Council Member [TC] Hell0.07618465
Catapult [TC] Hell0.07618465
Minion of Destruction [TC] Hell0.07618465
Bonebreaker [TC] Hell0.07618465
Coldcrow [TC] Hell0.07618465
Rakanishu [TC] Hell0.07618465
Bone Ash [TC] Hell0.07618465
Fallen Shaman [TC] Hell0.07524052
Foul Crow [TC] Hell0.07524052
Banished [TC] Hell0.07524052
Foul Crow Nest [TC] Hell0.07524052
Quill Rat [TC] Hell0.06107848
Spike Fiend [TC] Hell0.06107848
Death Brigadier [TC] Nightmare0.05973716
Demon Sprite [TC] Nightmare0.05973716
Hell Temptress [TC] Nightmare0.05973716
Blood Lord [TC] Nightmare0.05973716
Thresh Socket [TC] Nightmare0.05973716
Frozenstein [TC] Nightmare0.05973716
Snapchip Shatter [TC] Nightmare0.05973716
Pindleskin [TC] Nightmare0.05973716
Warped One [TC] Nightmare0.02278252
Hell Spawn [TC] Nightmare0.02278252
Ice Spawn [TC] Nightmare0.02278252
Hell Whip [TC] Nightmare0.02278252
Siege Beast [TC] Nightmare0.02278252
Crush Beast [TC] Nightmare0.02278252
Blood Bringer [TC] Nightmare0.02278252
Gore Bearer [TC] Nightmare0.02278252
Demon Steed [TC] Nightmare0.02278252
Chilled Forth [TC] Nightmare0.02278252
Frozen Abyss [TC] Nightmare0.02278252
Unholy Corpse [TC] Nightmare0.02278252
Defiled Warrior [TC] Nightmare0.02278252
Blood Temptress [TC] Nightmare0.02278252
Frozen Scourge [TC] Nightmare0.02278252
Frozen Horror [TC] Nightmare0.02278252
Frozen Scorch [TC] Nightmare0.02278252
Hell Lord [TC] Nightmare0.02278252
Death Lord [TC] Nightmare0.02278252
Horror Archer [TC] Nightmare0.02278252
Damned [TC] Nightmare0.02278252
Death Clan [TC] Nightmare0.02278252
Serpent Magus [TC] Nightmare0.02278252
Assailant [TC] Nightmare0.02278252
Moon Lord [TC] Nightmare0.02278252
Hell Lord [TC] Nightmare0.02278252
Unholy Corpse [TC] Nightmare0.02278252
Warped Shaman [TC] Nightmare0.02251644
Hell Witch [TC] Nightmare0.02251644
Monster Difficulty Drop Chance(%)
Demon Imp [TC] Nightmare0.02251644
Demon Trickster [TC] Nightmare0.02251644
Colenzo The Annihilator [TC] Nightmare0.01575138
Achmel The Cursed [TC] Nightmare0.01575138
Bartuc The Bloody [TC] Nightmare0.01575138
Ventor the Unholy [TC] Nightmare0.01575138
Lister The Tormentor [TC] Nightmare0.01575138

End of Data